High Wide & Heavy Whitetails
It’s not just in our name, it’s in our DNA
High Wide & Heavy Whitetails
High Wide and Heavy Whitetails was started with one goal in mind. Raise superior deer that are beautiful. Our name reminds us daily of a never ending challenge. It all started from the hunting roots of our founders and an offhand comment my uncle told me during a hunt years ago. Uncle Clyde came into camp one evening and was excited beyond normal. When I asked what the excitement was all about, his simple words said it all. “Greg, I saw one that was High, Wide, and Heavy.” Years later we are blessed in being able to daily strive to raise deer that are HIGH, WIDE, & HEAVY.
The most valuable thing I have gained from the day we started this business is the development of ongoing relationships with our customers who have become friends.”
– Cleon Almond